Color Appearance Models


Give me mud and I will make the skin of Venus out of it, if you will permit me to surround it as I please.
E. Delacroix

Current Edition (There are no plans for a 4th Ed.):
Mark D. Fairchild, Color Appearance Models, 3rd Ed. Wiley-IS&T, Chichester, UK (2013).
ISBN 978-1-119-96703-3
Wiley's website

Color Appearance Models is a book written mainly for professionals working on the development and implementation of modern digital color imaging systems, but also of general interest to anyone working in color science. It was origionally published in November 1997 by Addison-Wesley. This page includes example code, updates on progress in color appearance models, and other information of utility to users of the book. Unfortunately, the first edition is now completely sold out and out of print. Occasionally a copy can be found through used book dealers.

Mark D. Fairchild, Color Appearance Models, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA (1998).
ISBN 0-201-63464-3

The Old Good News ...
The second edition was published and as part of the Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology. It included new chapters on CIECAM02 and iCAM. Publisher information can be found at Wiley's website.This edition is also, alas, out of print.

Mark D. Fairchild, Color Appearance Models, 2nd Ed., Wiley-IS&T, Chichester, UK (2005).
ISBN 0-470-01216-1

The Newer, Even Better, News ...
The third edition is also part of the Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology. It includes updates, new figures, and new chapters on novel approaches to appearance modeling. It also includes treatments of HDR color appearance and new approaches to appearance scaling.

Draft Table of Contents

Here is a PDF file containing the draft table of contents of Color Appearance Models, 2nd Ed. Significant changes from the first edition are given in red text.

Example Calculations and Functions (MS Excel & IDL)

A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with example calculations of several appearance models presented in the book is available. It is provided with no warranty, implied or otherwise, or support. It includes CIECAM97s, a proposed revision of CIECAM97s, and CIECAM02. Most recently (2021), CAM16 was added. It will most likely be published as a CIE model (perhaps named CIECAM16) sometime in 2021 or 2022. (Last Updated: July 25, 2014) A similar spreadsheet for CIECAM02 forward and inverse examples was written and contributed by Eric Walowit and Grit O'Brien. (Last Updated: May 3, 2021)

Book Updates / Errata / CIE Model

As is to be expected, a few errors did make their way into the book. Here is a PDF containing the current list of errata for the 1st Ed. and another for the 2nd Ed., and another for the 3rd Ed. Please let me know if you've found any other errors. (Last Updated: 1st Ed. - Mar. 2, 2000 : 2nd Ed. - Jan. 4, 2010 : 3rd Ed. - In the Future)

Here is a PDF file containing a proposed revision of CIECAM97s that was published in CR&A and used by TC8-01 in deriving CIECAM02. (Last Updated: Dec. 21, 2000)

Here is a PDF file containing the draft equations for the CIECAM97s color appearance model agreed upon by TC1-34 at the Kyoto meeting in May, 1997. (Last Updated: July 15, 1997)

Here is a PDF file containing the final draft (approved by CIE Div. 1) of the report published by CIE TC1-34 on the equations for the CIECAM97s color appearance model. This document became CIE Publication No. 131. (Last Updated: Apr. 15, 1998)Here is a PDF file containing a method for inversion of CIECAM97s provided to CIE TC1-34 by R.W.G. Hunt. (Last Updated: Sept. 24, 1997)

Some Useful Color Appearance Data

Here is an ASCII file containing the constant perceived-hue data from F. Ebner and M.D. Fairchild, "Finding Constant Hue Surfaces in Color Space", SPIE/IS&T Electronic Imaging, (1998). (Last Updated: Oct. 27, 1997)

Here is an ASCII file containing data from M.D. Fairchild and G.M. Johnson, "Color Appearance Reproduction: Visual Data and Predictive Modeling", Color Research and Application, 24 121-131 (1999). (Last Updated: Apr. 9, 1998)

The LUTCHI Color Appearance Data were previously available from the University of Derby. They are no longerthere, but will be posted at the University of Leeds eventually. In the interim, a stuffit archive is available here. (Last Updated: June 2, 2005)

Some MATLAB code and examples of a novel system of color appearance specification based on one-dimensional scales is available here. The work was published at the 20th IS&T/SID Color and Imaging Conference in a paper entitled "Deriving Appearance Scales". (Last Updated: July 30, 2012)

The image at left shows Professors Nayatani and Hunt celebrating the establishment of the CIECAM97s model at the CIE Division I meetings in Kyoto (May, 1997).